Vols fans reacted as poorly as you would expect to the news that a sexual assault lawsuit was being filed against Tennessee.
I’m sure most, Tennessee fans quietly reacted in the correct way to the news that six women who attended Tennessee, some of whom were student athletes, were suing the university for creating a hostile sexual environment, but many “Vols For Life” decided to take to social media and express a very different view. So even though most Volunteers didn’t say these things, it’s important to point out these comments.
We aren’t commenting on the validity of the suit here, we have no idea about that. We don’t want to condemn Tennessee, but no matter what these kind of comments need to have a light shown on them.
We are displaying these comments for two reasons:
First to show that there are some things in life more important than your favorite football team; it’s not acceptable to let your fandom color your view of serious issues.
Also to show those that sexism is still a problem in sports and among sports fans. Those that ask why these issues are important are themselves answering that question.
Please be warned that these are crude and some comments may not be safe for work.
These were University of Tennessee students, some were student athletes.
So Alan is ready to call the suit bullshit right now… but if you think it’s not bullshit you need to wait until after it’s done. (We agree that you shouldn’t assume guilt BTW.)
Accountability is important, like accountability for saying horrible things online.
Rusty is ready to pass judgement right now because how dare they try to fight a system they feel is unfair in civil court. (The lawsuit is actually about the system at UT being stacked against an accuser.)
Sounds like money hungry women again to Matt… because if you wanted money the easiest route would be to take on a fanatical fanbase and massive university and all their lawyers with false allegations against college football players.
Let’s go ahead and add some racism to the mix.
And Alabama. Because Alabama got six Tennessee students to accuse other students of assault and then file a massive lawsuit… just because Alabama hates Tennessee.
Tennessee fans have been claiming the rest of the world is scared of them for years, why not tie that into this.
Women have always been out to get Chris.
The player who helped the alleged victim deserved to get jumped by his teammates.
Simple and elegant.
The crazy “real story” that most Vols message boards are telling is that the player who allegedly got jumped was dating one of the girls who allegedly got assaulted. They say she made all this up because she didn’t want to admit she was cheating… I guess the other five girls just went along with her.
Zach, who said the guy who got jumped got what he deserved, now wants to explain this whole thing to you.
“Don’t judge until we know the facts” said the Tennessee fan. “Here’s the rumor I heard” said the Tennessee fan.
Yeah if you aren’t happy with the sexual assault you’re just ungrateful and should go somewhere else.
You can always trust someone who uses all caps and tons of ellipses.
Yes because filing a lawsuit against Tennessee knowing the coals you will be raked over is easier than getting a job.
Tennessee fans are generally ready to condone anyone who writes about this, I’m sure I will get emails.
Remember these were Tennessee student athletes, I guess this is just where you rank compared to football players though if you play another sport at Tennessee.
Of course it comes back to this.
Go Vols.
Tennessee isn’t the only fanbase that would react this way, many would. These just stand to show that we still have some real problems to deal with as a society and as sports fans.
Oh and before you Vols explain that “all schools are dirty”, here’s my response on that from last night.
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