Are You Serious?! Hurricane Crazy Edition
By Editorial Staff
Money is the center of both good and evil, especially in the world of football. In each conference, money is always a factor. There are some teams, coaches, players, parents and recruiters that take the purity out of the game and make it all about money. Sometimes those actions are criminal. Alabama has had their fair share of punishments from actions that didn’t follow the rule but to say that the SEC is the only conference that is ruled by money… and it came from a Miami fan?
Are you serious?!
To be fair, I have seen some crazy actions over the past few weeks leading up to National Signing Day. There are the creepers that address potential recruits on Twitter, accusations of foul play, violent threats to certain players who change their minds and other ridiculous behavior. A lot of that behavior was driven by SEC folks, even some in Alabama. I will also say that Alabama has an amazing recruiting class but not everyone in the SEC does. To my knowledge, Nick Saban has kept a clean record, free of any wrongdoings. Have no worries; if there is something for the NCAA to investigate at Alabama, they will certainly do so.
I think this guy has been drinking a little bit of the Haterade because Miami has had trouble since, I don’t know, around 1992? So, I get that. Let’s sling a little mud to make ourselves feel better. But, every school plays the recruiting game. In fact, after reading many blogs and news articles, Miami is looking to have a huge recruiting class. They can enroll as many as 33 new scholarship players. Miami is looking to turn things around and they are taking major strides to do it. You think money might play just a tiny part in all of that?
Also, I’m not sure it’s in the best form to throw stones about money or underhandedness. The Miami Hurricanes haven’t been known for a squeaky clean reputation in recent history. They’ve had their share of controversy and scandal and they haven’t been without NCAA sanctions and suspensions. They made some really watershed moves in the 1980s with the “pay for play” system led by 2 Live Crew’s Luther Campbell. It seemed some of the players were receiving “rewards” for playing well. More recently, in 2011, there was a scandal in which a Miami booster claimed he once used funds from an investor to donate money to the Miami athletic program. Look it up; their financial scandals are quite an interesting read.
Since this Tweet only mentioned money, I won’t continue on and point out other misgivings that the Miami program has faced in recent years, like the Miami-FIU brawl in 2006. My ultimate point is that I don’t think anyone would deny that money plays a role in the SEC. However, it plays a role in any notable football program in any conference. There are those that play dirty and those that play fair. Every conference includes both kinds of people. If you’re Miami though, I would lay low when it comes to those types of accusations. The hypocrisy speaks for itself.