Your Weekly Auburn Zen: Cash Money Edition
By David Wasson
Alabama pays their recruits to sign. It’s an established fact on the Auburn message boards, and anyone with half a mind to see can spot the conspiracy and connect all the dots. Of course, when we last looked, one of the other major topics of discussion was Bigfoot hunting.
Here’s your weekly glance at what they’re saying over on that Message Board Down the Road. As always, capitalization, punctuation and run-on sentences are left as posted.
"i hate to write it because i know how much joy the bammers will get from it. but the tj thing rocked our recruiting to the core. not just because he did it but really how he did it. it sent the recruiting in a tailspin and the passengers began to panic big time. lesser pilots would have crashed for sure. some parachuted out. some would choose not to fly air auburn. but in the end we punched through and stuck the landing. some serious flying skills and a refuse to fail attitude was on display."
"alabama seems to be the ring leader in special benefits for there recruits. if everyone could do it legally lil nicky would go insane because he would be on a level playing field with everyone. it would be interesting to see what kind of scheme he would try to pull to gain a edge over everyone. the fact is lil nicky cannot play fair and he is pathetic liar that tell young men to keep his word and honor a commitment but turns around and dishonors his on commitment to a young man who gave all he could to alabama by honoring his commitment and not visiting anybody like he was told just to get processed at the lasr minute."
"The Updykes have begun to do the same think in Georgia that they have been doing in Alabama for ever.The MONEY has started to flow big time.If someone would check on the ones they signed out of Georgia. They will be driving a new car, probably the whole family. The family will have a new home or a Condo in tuskalooser.Some in the family will have different jobs.Hopefully with them getting bolder going out of the state of Alabama. They will get caught Quicker. Just a parting note. The word on the street is the yeldons got $75000 for to flip."
"Because you know the Mobile paper is a bammer rag, they hired him because of what he was, and if he goes they’ll just pluck another bammer mouth in there and nobody will be able to tell the difference. Almost. F the guy anyway."
"What is the point of probation if you are allowed to play for and win championships while on TV with no scholarship limits?"
"As long as ncaa ignores them until they are out of their little window of repeat offender, it really means nothing. So there is no reason not to cheat, its almost advantageous for them to be on probation. How does this cycle of BS end?!?!?!?"
And finally, one Auburn fan actually gets it:
"So have we officially changed to the U of Auburn yet??"