Another week, another loss, another dose of Your Weekly Auburn Zen. Texas A&M held yell practice before crushing Auburn last Saturday, and Auburn fans had fire drill practice as they exited the stadium in a rapid, orderly fashion. In the first quarter. As the Gene Chizik career-suicide watch continues, we bring you a look at what they’re saying on the Auburn message boards. As ever, spelling and grammar errors are in the originals.
"we used to be hard nose, we used to be so tuff we were accused of taking steriods, no one used to want to come to our stadium at night. wtf changed? recruits have been coming here using our talking point that we are more “family like” and the othe schools are too business like? we are God fearing men and all alums and allow no sidewalks or jews."
"I have been going to Auburn games since the Barfield days, and have seen my share of losses at home, but I have never seen the stadium empty out as quickly as it did Saturday. And if there hadn’t been the parachute jump, I think it would have been much worse. Damn, I’m ready for this season to end."
"I turned down free tix twice."
"Mike Singletary would be great!!!"
"The joke is on you, Mr. Harvey Updyke. We didn’t wanna roll those trees this year anyways."
"What is the big freakin’ deal about the 5-stars? Does something that trivial really matter?"
"Will Petrino start Wallace next week?"
"I resent the wine snob crack. Had a nice I997 Caymus Special Selection tonight."
"Our defense gave up 672 yards tonight. A&M starters stay in and it could have been 1000."
"How do we not know how to defend against an offense we ran for the past three years."
"Here is my bigger dilemma, I stayed for this game, I will sit through the UGA debacle….but do I go to Tuscaloosa?"
"What do I do with my Daniel Moore 2010 Print? I don’t like looking at it on my wall with Chiz and Dyer featured. And Ziemba’s steroid ass. barf"
"saban would probably rather have Petrino than Malzahn. He would rather cover Petrino’s offense than Gus’s. Remember his comments on the HUNH? Imagine Gus’s going full speed at all times. I think Petrino would have more initial success, but Malzahn with like 3 more years’ experience as HC? Hmmm.."
"I have no confidence that we are going to get this right. The good ole boy system we have has proven to be short-sighted at best, and until we realize that, we are going to be in a world of hurt. People don’t play by the same rules they did 20 years ago. Teams that were just happy to win 6 games a year are now not satisfied unless they feel like they can compete for a SECW title. Auburn’s biggest flaw will always be itself. We can’t get out of our own way / most of our hardships are self-inflicted."
"Combine Petrino with the bagman and Auburn could be a formidable opponent."
"This is the worse AU team I have EVER seen. I was at AU from 75 – 79. Barfield was terrible but at least we won a few. This team has quit on their coaches. Their coaches have quit on the kids. It’s so friggin obvious. Lefty is in over his head. BVG is stuggling with the pace of the game vs the NFL…..the whole bunch sux."
"Chizik might be a nice guy. But my father was too. And my father has not a head football coach either."
"I know a lady cheating on her husband right now with another guy I know. Sucks but it happens. Not saying Petrino is the only coach out there, but not hiring him because of that is a mistake."
"U think class is the reason we may not hire Petrino… Man you are a naive douche…"
"We may not hire him bc our leadership has no sack and are scared of their own reputations … With the public and the SEC office… All of the big money boosters want him, and I bet about 70% of fans want him… The admin is worried about their own butts… Class? … from a university that named its field after pat dye…. We are not worried about class… Get a clue u naive douche nozzle… And anyone that argues that BP is not that good of a coach or he is not clearly one of the best college coaches in the nation are trying to make themselves feel better about getting another second tier coach… Or their football IQ is somewhere around Chiziks .."
"I would love for AU to hire BP if for no other reason but o shut the self righteous creed monsters up.Please hire BP and let’s have separation of church and football again."