Saturday’s game against the FAU Owls saw rain, thunder, and lighting. And that was just from the quaterback debate and battle we saw at Braynt-Denny Stadium. In addition to the actual weather phenomenons that occured late the in the game, all throughout it, people got a look into just how different quarterback Jake Coker and presumed started Blake Sims were. Either way, the game ended up 41-0 and could have been a little more had it not been for a lightning strike or two.
Like very week of the season, we’ve look through our timelines, look at the retweets from people and bring to you, what we can see, are the best tweets from the game.
Girl:"Church service at Bryant-Denny begins in an hour. Father Saban will be leading the congregation."
— Austin Locke (@AustinDLocke) September 6, 2014
Kirby Smart will lead us in song and Lane Kiffin will be the usher.
Really? “Flloyd”? C’mon now.
Andre Ware does not want that to be a catch.
— BamaHammer (@Bama_Hammer) September 6, 2014
Lot of complaints about Andre Ware. And rightfully so. Why not, instead of criticizing the playcalling, you do what your title tells you to do and ANALYZE.
Hate to complain, but it's so damn hot in this press box.
— Marq Burnett (@Marq_Burnett) September 6, 2014
I'm sweating my Auburn off at this game. #RollTide #RTR #ROADTO16
— The Unhipster (@52onayz) September 6, 2014
It's hot
— B.J. Millican (@bjmillican) September 6, 2014
I totally do not blame the students for leaving at halftime. It was hot. It was muggy. After 10 minutes outside, I felt like I was running a marathon. The rain sure didn’t help.
Lane Kiffin yelling in the huddle. Saban all like, "This is my son, with whom I am well pleased."
— Geoff Davidson (@geoffdua) September 6, 2014
Told you this was going to be the couple to watch this season.
Saban on fans 'taking sides' in QB battle: "I really don't care what side they take. The only thing that matters is what side we take."
— Cecil Hurt (@CecilHurt) September 6, 2014
Next Step: NCAA prohibits bangs in football because it’s a PED.
Tweet of the Week
White people be like 'Coker needs more time.' White people also be like 'SIMS JUST UNDER THREW THAT GUY PULL HIM'
— Brian Oliu (@BrianOliu) September 6, 2014
Seems like this season will be marred with a split fansbase: those who like Sims and those that like Coker.
Bonus Tweet
Looks like ESPN is drunk again
— RedditCFB (@RedditCFB) September 6, 2014
Either this is part of an ad campaign for the new Madden game or somebody’s gonna be fired in the BottomLine department.