Creeps online seem to be very excited about Lane and Layla Kiffin’s divorce.
ICYMI: Alabama had a perfect weekend on the diamonds.
Lane and Layla Kiffin are getting a divorce; that’s unfortunate and we wish them and their children the best.
That’s the reaction decent humans will have to that news, but the internet isn’t full of decent people. Many of the internet’s creepiest Kiffin haters, whether Vols or Raiders, are taking this opportunity to say some really incredibly insensitive things about the Kiffins. We know Tennessee fans are still obsessed with Lane Kiffin; we proved that when we tricked the Vols into calling and leaving voicemails on a number they thought belonged to Lane Kiffin.
Do you creeps really think Layla Kiffin is going to see your disgusting comments and give you a call?
Here’s the sad creepy dudes of the internet being gross about Layla Kiffin:
I’m sure she’s looking for a grown man who uses kissy emojis Shawn.
Ryan is the guy who yells at women at stoplights.
I’m sure Layla sees her divorce as a game too.
Creepy tweet from roid bro is creepy.
Roid bro is also apparently implying that he was the reason for her divorce, he’s a class act.
Truly nothing impresses a woman more than hot emoji use.
Joey is sure he has a chance based on his gator fandom.
This gentleman needs to know you can support his fantastic lifestyle of being creepy on the internet.
“You know I was so broken up about my divorce, but then a stranger creepily called me beautiful on the internet and I just feel for him.” – Layla Kiffin in this clown’s head
“Tony saved me” – Imaginary bizzaro Layla Kiffin
It wasn’t just Layla the weirdos were after though, they came after Lane as well…
Vol fan advocating murder… seems about right.
Vol fan condemning Lane to hell for leaving Tennessee and his divorce… that also seems about right.
Sure divorce is something you should equate with football.
Laura thinks Lane Kiffin’s kids would be better off without him because he left Tennessee. Laura is a very sane person.
I’m sure that leaving Tennessee had a lot to do with the divorce Wanda.
LOL… but seriously it’s nothing to joke about y’all.
Of course the favorite topic of Tennessee fans today was Nick Saban’s daughter. Because why be horrible about one marriage and family when you can do that about two? Just use some message board rumors that another Vol almost certainly made up! Go Vols! #NoCultureProblem
You can argue that maybe there isn’t a culture problem at Tennessee (there is), but it’s obvious that between the comments today and the comments Tennessee fans have made about the sexual assault lawsuit their university is facing there’s certainly a culture problem among their fanbase.
Next: Alabama Adapted Athletics Gets A Huge Gift
Have you seen some disgusting comments about the Kiffins today? Share them with us in the comments below or on social media.