It’s time for the week three edition of the SEC College Football “Get Off My Lawn” Awards as we take time for the crazies of the week.
ICYMI: Crimson Tide Erases 21 Point Deficit to Beat Ole Miss
SEC College Football is here and folks start to act crazier than normal, whether it’s from the alcohol or a variety of other reasons.
Have you ever been watching the game on television or watching your social media feed roll by and have the urge to roll your eyes? It could be a play in one of the weekend games, or a comment made that makes you want to say, “Get off my lawn!”. It could be your own tweet that you wish you could take back. For some, fans of The Simpsons could substitute “Old man yells at cloud” here.
Throughout the college football season, we will collect some of the worst and share them with you each week.
Look, I’m old and cranky so let’s get to it.
Saban: "We got coaches getting IVs, players getting IVs. But the old fellow doesn't need an IV 'cause they don't make 'em like they used to"
— Cecil Hurt (@CecilHurt) September 18, 2016
I won’t say anything about the players because they were on the field working their backsides off. All joking aside, I’m sure Coach Saban was concerned with all of them. On the other hand, I bet those assistants will get a little ribbing. We’ll just go with “Saban yells at cloud” for this one to be nice. I’d hate for some national media to get outraged again over something minor.
Meredith was on the Twitter machine for the game and even she told some folks to get off her lawn. She always sweet unless it concerns badmouthing Alabama. Her response? “Ooooh. Salty.” That was the end of that.
Here is the host of The Bachelor. I would like to tell him to get off my lawn because of his opinion of college football and secondly because that show sucks. He also deleted that tweet as you can see.
@geauxcrimson souvenir coke cups for today
— Nick Baldwin (@nrbaldwin28) September 18, 2016
Here is a picture from one of our Twitter friends, Nick. Check out the cups. “New Norm”. Laugh out loud. I’ll bet they want to get their cup makers off their Grove lawn after that one. Can’t live that one down.
Here's the tweet that horrible human @OxfordGod deleted.
— Charles Evans (@banditref) September 18, 2016
Check out Adam’s deleted tweet. I’m not even going to go along with the theme of this write-up. This one just needs to go away. Period. You would think Rebel fans are used to losing.
As far as scores go, no major upsets happened in the SEC. There are a few takeaways, though. Tennessee fans need to get off of everyone’s lawn after struggling with Ohio Jr. The LSU Tigers almost blew their game so I’m sure some Cajun hollered in French at Les Miles to get off of their landscaping. And Auburn fans may be just about ready to tell Gus Malzahn the same thing. But not in French.
Next: Nick Saban Doesn’t Need Your IVs (Video)
Check back next week for another edition of the worst of the weekend!