Alabama football fans, it is time to drill down on Missouri and look at TAMU.
Beginning with the Tuesday practice session, Alabama football will begin work on future opponents. The deep bench staffing the Crimson Tide brain trust learns all that can be known about opponents. Every opposing position group is broken down by every opposing player. Strengths, weaknesses, tendencies are analyzed in deep detail.
That it is impossible to have a plan for every moment in every play of a game, does not discourage Nick Saban. Of himself and his staff, Saban demands a plan for everything, including sudden weather changes and game delays. That is exactly what happened in October 2012, the last time the Crimson Tide visited Columbia, MO. In a weather delay, soaked Tide players returned to a visitor’s locker room to find not only dry uniforms, but study sheets on Mizzou.
The core belief in Nick Saban’s ‘A Plan for Everything’ as he defines it, is “how you do one thing is how you do everything.” The thought is not a Saban original, but it is a fair summary of Nick’s vaunted ‘Process.’
In that vein, this week Alabama football will learn much about Missouri. Because it is not yet a game week, a few more teams will be included in the scrutiny, particularly game two opponent, TAMU. Everything cannot be known, particularly when a new head coach is involved. But thanks to Nick Saban and his immensely talented staff, the Alabama Crimson Tide will understand some things opponents don’t understand about themselves.
This season, Bama Hammer will try to a little of the same. In past seasons, we have written about opponents and provided compact game predictions. Those efforts will continue, with a new addition. Our staff will prepare detailed analysis of each upcoming game. Multiple staff members will do deep-dives in preparation for each game. Staff members may or may not agree. Readers will have the advantage of different staff perspectives, presented in detail.
The first of these staff posts by Bama Hammer Contributor, Ronald Moody offers a careful look at the new season, discussing the Crimson Tide, Missouri and also takes a peek at Jimbo’s TAMU Aggies. It is our hope readers will enjoy this format throughout the season.