Alabama Football 2023: What A Memorable Season It Was

Rose Bowl Game - Alabama v Michigan
Rose Bowl Game - Alabama v Michigan / Harry How/GettyImages

Searching for the right word to describe the 2023 Alabama football season wasn't the easiest task, but the only answer is memorable.

Sure, the season didn't end as the players coaches and fans would have hoped, but it doesn't take away from how memorable the ride that ended in Pasadena was. This might come across as a "Moral Victory" piece, but sometimes you have to sit back and realize something can be special even if the ultimate goal isn't achieved. I am not sure in all my years of being an Alabama football fan have I seen a team transform so much from start to finish.

This team bonded around doubt from within it's own fanbase and national media to fuel the run to the 2023 playoff. It was far from a perfect season, and at times was a very frustrating one, but what a ride it was. Rebounding from an embarrassing loss at home to Texas to coming together after an ugly win against USF, to getting revenge on the likes of Tennessee, LSU, and Georgia is something that should never be forgotten. During this epic, nearly 20-year run led by Coach Saban, the expectation as with most dynasties has turned to National Championship or bust. Still, sometimes you have to appreciate a season even when it doesn't end with crimson confetti falling on the players on the 2nd Monday night in January.

I can honestly say when I look back on this season in 5-10 years down the road that it will be one of my favorite seasons. To watch these young men overcome so many obstacles, transform from average to elite, and come within in a couple of plays from playing for a national championship has been a special ride. There will be many debates in the offseason about what was missing from this Alabama team but it won't be heart, pride, or effort.

The 2023 season was an epic ride and hopefully, after the sting of losing to Michigan wears off, the Alabama fanbase realizes what a special season it was and I am excited to see what the 2024 season will bring for this Crimson Tide team.