Looking back at the Nick Saban Era - Part 3

Part 3 in the Nick Saban Era series reviews the six Alabama Football National Championships during 2009-2020.
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Given what Bragg so eloquently described, what is damn-near miraculous is that Nick Saban delivered to a level beyond anyone's most ambitious expectations. Six National Championships in 12 seasons. A college football Dynasty surpassing all others.

Alabama Football and Nick Saban National Championships

  • 2009 - Jan.7, 2010 - Rose Bowl, BCS Championship - No. 1 Alabama beat No. 2 Texas 37-21. Rick Bragg called the 2007 A-Day Game a Revival. The 2009 National Championship was the Redemption that took root. A special hat tip to Eli Gold for his end-game call, "and the roses in this grand old stadium are once again crimson."
  • 2011 - Jan. 9, 2012 - BCS Championship, New Orleans, LA - No. 1 ranked LSU had beaten Alabama in November, winning 9-6 in Tuscaloosa. In New Orleans, the game was a mismatch. LSU did not cross midfield until the second half and Alabama cruised to a 21-0 victory.
  • 2012 - Jan. 7, 2023 - BCS Championship, Miami. FL - This was the game when Brent Musburger said, "If this were a prize fight, they'd call it off." It was not an overstatement. Alabama blasted a completely outclassed Notre Dame team, winning 42-14.