Nick Perry Talks The Iron Bowl and The SEC Championship


Defensive back Nick Perry was one of three Alabama players made available during the SEC Teleconference call on Monday. You can also check out what Ryan Kelly and Blake Sims had to say.

The Tide will head to Atlanta this weekend to take on the Missouri Tigers for the SEC Championship but don’t expect the players to think that the Tigers will just roll over for them during the game.

We know that they’re a great team and that they represent the East. They definitely deserve to be there, and we’re just looking forward to the game because we’re going to get their best shot and they’re going to get ours as well”, Perry said during the call.

This will be the Tide’s second trip to play in the Georgia dome this season with them opening up the year with a win against West Virginia. Perry says the defense in both games will look totally different to those tuning into the game. During the season opener, the Tide had several new guys on the defense so naturally a few mistakes were made. It’s also no secret that they have gotten better as the season progressed.

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During the Iron Bowl win against Auburn, the Tide gave up 456 yards through the air. Perry and the secondary knows that Saturday wasn’t there best game by no means. “We know that in order to win this game Saturday, we’re going to have to make a lot of improvements. It’s really all on the secondary this Saturday. We’re going to practice hard, and we’re going to prepare ourselves for the best shot”, he said.

Perry chalked up their problems in the secondary during the Iron Bowl to mis-communication as well as mistakes in their technique. He believed they could have stopped some of the explosive plays if they had been in the right call and position.

The Tide has won games this season against both smash mouth football teams as well as spread teams so they feel they are prepared for Saturday. In a response to a question concerning that, Perry responded, “It was definitely beneficial to know we can play two different styles of football. That hit you in the mouth, smash mouth, defense, running the football type of game, and we can play those high scoring type games. So I think we definitely are ready for whatever in the postseason.”

You can tell Perry expects a dog fight for the title and the fans won’t be disappointed seeing a great game with two teams giving it their everything.

“This is their second time playing in the SEC Championship Game. Any team that can repeat and represent the East, they’re a great team and a great program. We’re definitely not overlooking these guys. They definitely deserve to be there. They’re a great team. They have great players, a great coach, and we’re just ready for Saturday. It’s going to be a great game”, Perry said.