The SEC Tinder Game

43 of 47


WOW, you really picked little ole me? I’m so cited I gotta call my Momma, this will show her that I’m just as special as Dickie!

So does this mean we’re married? I want to have three childrens and we can name them Dallas, Ryan Mallett, and Pumpkin Head.

Do you want to get a trailer together? I’ve been saving up for a new trailer… I don’t want to brag but it’s basically in the alley behind the WalMart. You can get those extra low rollback prices any time you want!

You’re not allergic to possums are you? Because that would of course be a deal breaker. You’d be surprised how many ladies have gotten upset about my possums. If you don’t start your day with possum milk though has your day even started?

I think I’m falling in love with you, do you want to see my scar? I was kicked by a mule… TWICE!

Are you happy with your choice, or do you want to look around at some other SEC Tinder studs? The choice is yours.