It’s almost that time! Football season is upon us. And unfortunately, so is the dreaded “Fall Wedding Season.”
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Football season is rapidly approaching, and everyone is getting pumped for Saturdays at the games or plopped in front of the television. Most of us plan our entire Saturday around the football schedule so we can be sure we’re home in time for – at minimum – our favorite team’s kickoff. Pretty much the worst thing anyone could seemingly do to us during football season is throw the ever-dreaded “Fall Wedding”.
Unfortunately, sometimes even our best friends throw a major kink in our plans by deciding to have a wedding on a Saturday smack in the middle of football season. Occasionally, these weddings occur for good reason; for example, it could be the best time in their work schedules to tie the knot.
But just because the reasons for having the fall wedding are legit, doesn’t mean that it’s easy on any of the guests to attend. Because of this, BamaHammer has created a list of five tips you really MUST know if you’re planning a football-season wedding. If you’re getting hitched this fall or know someone who is, read on, share, and take our tips to heart. Please. We beg you.
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